Patterson Laboratory

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Recent publications on these topics:

Hsiao EY, Patterson PH (2012) Placental regulation of maternal-fetal interactions and brain development. Dev Neurobiol 72:1317-26.

Garay PA, Hsiao EY, Patterson PH, McAllister AK (2012) Maternal immune activation causes age- and region-specific changes in brain cytokines in the offspring throughout development. Brain Behav Immun  [epub ahead of print]

Hsiao EY, McBride S, Chow J, Mazmanian SK, Patterson PH (2012) Modeling an autism risk factor in mice leads to permanent immune dysregulation. Proc Natl. Acad Sci USA 109:12776-81.

Garbett KA*, Hsiao EY*, Kalman S, Patterson PH, Mirnics K (2012) Effects of maternal immune activation on gene expression patterns in the fetal brain. Translational Psychiatry 2:e98. (*contributed equally)

Malkova, NV, Yu, CV, Hsiao, EY, Moore MM, Patterson, PH (2012) Maternal immune activation yields offspring displaying mouse versions of the three core symptoms of autism. Brain Behav Immun 26:607-16

Deverman, BE, Patterson, PH (2012) Exogenous leukemia inhibitory factor stimulates oligodendocyte precursor cell proliferation and enhances hippocampal remyelination. J Neurosci 32:2100-9.

Patterson, PH (2011) Modeling features of autism in animals. Pediatric Res 69:34R-40R. PMID 21289542

Patterson, PH (2011) Maternal infection and immune involvement in autism. Trends Molec Med 17:389-94. PMID 21482187

Hsiao E, Bregere C, Malkova N, Patterson PH (2011) Modeling features of autism in rodents. In, “Autism Spectrum Disorders”, Eds., Amaral DG, Dawson G, Geschwind DH; Oxford University Press, pp. 935-62.

Hsiao E, Patterson PH (2011) Activation of the maternal immune system induces endocrine changes in the placenta via IL-6. Brain Behav Immun 25:604-15. PMID 21195166

Ito HT, Smith SEP, Hsiao E, Patterson PH (2010) Maternal immune activation alters hippocampal information processing in adult offspring. Brain Behav Immun 24:930-41. PMID 2897971

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